Culture & Equity:

 In the time of addressing COVID-19, it is clear that we cannot discuss the disease without acknowledging that certain communities have been disproportionately impacted by the disease. Social determinants of health refers to factors that influence individual health and wellbeing that collectively impact groups of people in families and communities. This includes access to healthcare, education, employment and technology. It also includes exposure to stressors of community violence, poverty, racism and oppression. COVID-19 has magnified health disparities and highlighted the importance of increasing access to vital resources for those most impacted by the health and financial effects of the pandemic. Equity is shown in how we fight for justice and share resources. Addressing social determinants of health, historical trauma, oppression and the impact of racism are ways to establish equity.

Many families have cultural pride: where they live, what they eat, and the language they speak. These aspects of culture may not always be understood or appreciated by everyone. Parents and caregivers must be aware that children and adolescents are hearing information that may raise particular concerns and fears or reinforce stereotypes. It is important to consider how to discuss family history and current issues with your child. Open dialogue that focuses on what the child has heard, and their own questions and reactions is usually the best place to start. Adults may need to find outlets to explore their own emotional responses and connect with important supports individually prior to engaging in these conversations with your children. In addition, recognizing that these complex issues are not typically limited to one conversation, can help parents to feel less pressure to answer difficult questions and emotions.

The following resources serve as a starting point for conversation and education.

Center for Racial Justice and Education -NEW!

Books about Racism and Social Justice- Common Sense Media -NEW!

100 Race-Conscious Things You Can Say to Your Child to Advance Racial Justice -NEW!

How to Talk to Your Children About Protests and Racism-CNN -NEW!

Helping Your Child Cope with Media Coverage of Community Racial Trauma and Civil Unrest -NEW!

COVID Resources that Take Race Seriously (from EmbraceRace) - NEW!